Our subcontractors are integral to TEAMWRKX’ success. We can’t do it alone. We have processes to assist us in finding the best subcontractor partners and teammates, so that together we can not only achieve, but rather exceed, our Client’s visions, goals and objectives for their projects.

Our highly trained Accounting teammates are always available to answer questions you have. Accounting manages accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, financial reporting and liens.

Download your progress and final forms below. Please fill out and email to APFacilities@teamwrkx.com
All Applications for Payment are due on the 25th of each month.
Interested in getting onto our bid list? Please use the form to the right to receive our Subcontractor Pre-Qualification Packet. Once submitted, an email will be sent to you for instant access to our Subcontractor Forms along with instructions on how to submit your completed forms.
All of TEAMWRKX Facilities’ Subcontractor forms are fillable PDF’s; making it easier to electronically submit your forms and reduce the use of paper.
TEAMWRKX offers Early Pay discounts, at the Subcontractor’s discretion, of 3% discount if payment is made 10 days earlier that the contract payment terms or 5% discount if payment is made 20 days earlier than contract payment terms. Contract payment terms is defined as the payment duration (i.e. 30, 60, 90 days, etc.) set out in the Subcontract Agreement which is either TEAMWRKX’ standard payment terms or a longer term if payment term set out in Prime Contract between Owner and TEAMWRKX is contrary to TEAMWRKX’ standard payment terms.
TEAMWRKX Subcontract insurance requirements include our minimal requirements which will not be waived or reduced. On a project basis, should Owner requirements set out in the Prime Contract between Owner and TEAMWRKX exceed our standard insurance requirements, the higher project insurance requirements shall be set out in the project documentation and will be required to be complied with by Subcontractor.
TEAMWRKX is signatory to Carpenters Union Local 405 and thus Subcontractors performing Carpenter trade work MUST be Union.
TEAMWRKX regularly partners with our Subcontractors on projects, most notably on design-build assignments under which our MEP Subcontractor partners are contracted for design services, working in conjunction with TEAMWRKX and the other design professionals for design-build services.
TEAMWRKX typically will not fund deposits or advances however, may entertain requests for deposits for material procurements only, if requested by Subcontractor’s supplier(s), is requested in Subcontractor’s bid/proposal, and is permitted under the Prime Contract between Owner and TEAMWRKX.
In the event of an Emergency or Safety Event, contacts shall be:
TEAMWRKX Facilities Superintendent: Joe Cardoso
408-287-2700 | jcardoso@teamwrkx.com
TEAMWRKX Facilities Chief Safety Officer: Daniel Aguilar
TEAMWRKX maintains a SUBCONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIP MANAGER who is an advocate on behalf of our Subcontractor partners.
TEAMWRKX Subcontractor Relationship Manager: Erin Wallace
TEAMWRKX may require Subcontractor Bonding on projects in cases where Bonding of Subcontractors is a requirement of TEAMWRKX’ Prime Contract with the Owner or where the Subcontractor’s contract value or complexity of scope imposes a higher-than-normal financial risk on TEAMWRKX.
TEAMWRKX is committed to safety of Owner, Contractor, Subcontractor, Design Professionals and all others on our Job sites. Subcontractors are referred to our website and for information on our COVID protocols plus explanation of our COVID protocols is addressed during Project kick-off meetings.
TEAMWRKX utilizes Procore® to assist in the management of its projects and requires its Subcontractors to interface with this software on each project.
Our standard payment terms are set out in our standard Subcontract Agreement.